I don't know about our readers, but I like my burgers simple: meat, cheese, ketchup and lettuce. That's it. I am not into feta cheese, Guatemalan jalapenos, pastrami or whatever fad is currently setting the hamburger world on fire. When it comes to burgers, the only person's opinion that matters is mine. Thus, I always stick to my guns and order exactly what I want. No matter of persuasion is worth eating food that I don't like.
Getting what you want and not being swayed by others should be the rule for all of your purchases. However, the more expensive a purchase or investment becomes, the more others want you to spend your money in their direction. Each day, many of us are bombarded with requests to try the latest product or service, invest in an up and coming company and take the "word" of sales people that their product is the best in its field. Often, we make our spending decisions based on the information that a salesperson has provided us, what we have seen on television or what we have heard about a business from others. Though these sources may be reputable, they undoubtedly are filtering information through their own opinions, interests and goals. Thus, you are never truly making a decision on your own. However, there has to be a better way to tell if you are buying quality products from, and are supporting, a sound company. There is, and it is called a business search.