

Religion according to my edition of Webster\\'s wordbook is:

1- man\\'s turn of phrase of his acknowledgement of the divine

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2- a set-up of way of life and practices relating to the religious and amalgamation it\\'s adherents in a community, e.g. Christianity, Judaism

3- adhesion to such as a system, a man without religion

4- something which has a strong prehension on a person\\'s way of thinking, interests, etc. football is his religion

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5- monastical life, his nickname in mysticism was Damian

Other examples of the ordinal definition are: science, medicine, technology, occult, sex, extramarital drugs, food, drink, music, vanity, sports and stuff. You possibly will presume of more than.

The Bible gives a account for mysticism in James 1:27,
This is sheer and immaculate divinity in the analysis of our God and Father, to look in orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Some translations say to diligence for instead than stop by.

To hold on to oneself unstained by the world, now that is a theory. That scheme that all those examples that I gave are substandard as a mysticism. To be unstained from the planetary you must as a result have addressable another option, a miraculous or sacred way. The Bible is the word of God. In it we learn that Jesus said; I am the way and the reality and the go. No one comes to the Father bar through me. John 14:6

A alarm is as well specified in Scripture; Whoever seems to himself to be religious, and does not ceremony his tongue, but deceives his own heart, his belief is futile. James 1:26

And they deformation their lingua resembling their bow;
Lies and not correctness dominate in the land;
For they speak from malignancy to evil,
And they do not know Me, declares the Lord.
4 Let everyone be on protector opposed to his neighbor,
And do not holding any brother;
Because both male sibling deals craftily,
And all close goes almost as a slanderer.
5 And each one deceives his neighbor,
And does not talk the truth,
They have taught their lingo to cry lies;
They worn-out themselves committing iniquity.
6 Your lodging is in the interior of deceit;
Through dishonesty they refuse to cognise Me, declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 9:3-6

Brethren, even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, set right such a one in a real meaning of gentleness; each one superficial to yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another\\'s burdens, and in this manner set up the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let all one sound his own work, and afterwards he will have common sense for boasting in high regard to himself alone, and not in good opinion to different. 5 For respectively one shall accept his own stack. Galatians 6:1-5

Another definition for religion, I think, is; the sum of one\\'s way of life.

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